Singapore opens Connect@Changi facility, allowing business visitors to meet without serving quarantine

advSINGAPORE: Business travellers from around the world will be able to stay and conduct meetings at a dedicated facility in Singapore, without the need to serve quarantine on arrival. 

The pilot short-stay facility, called Connect@Changi, opened on Thursday (Feb 18) as part of Singapore's efforts to resume international business meetings amid the COVID-19 pandemic. 

The hotel cum business centre is "bubble-wrapped" such that the visitors do not mingle with the community in Singapore, but can still hold face-to-face meetings with local residents at the facility.

For instance, meetings between business travellers and people from Singapore can only take place in special meeting rooms with air-tight glass panels. There are separate entrances and exits, as well as different ventilation systems, for travellers from overseas and for visitors from Singapore.

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